Sunday, January 11, 2009


Sorry for the very severe delay... I realise I have been owing tons of photos. BUT SOME OF YOU OWE ME PHOTOS TOO!!! LIKE MENG MENG'S 21ST! :P Anyway, bcoz I am lacking sleep but I can't keep up with the backlog, the photos are all uneditted and not collaged. Oops!

Also, they date waaaay back to last yr's 27th of Dec, the first day back frm Dubai. Holiday makes me inefficient. Hee!

First meet-up with SPSE peeps were on the day I arrived with steamboat at Novena followed by drinks at Harry's. But I kinda lost the photos. :( All I remembered was someone dropping a live prawn on me and me freaking out. Eeek!

Then came HAPPY 2009! Which I welcomed with people really close to my heart. :)

Spent the day with Darren. Was supposed to go ice-skating at Kallang but ended up watching Ip-man instead. Great show abt wing-chun (some martial art thingy)! Dinner was with the relatives. Fab fab fab food!

The table was literally weighed down with dishes!

Seared tuna!!! Grilled outside and sashimi inside, served with wasabi mayo!

Grilled sotong!!!

Seaweed imported from Hokkaido!

Lamb. Need I say more?

Marinated Chicken Kebabs!

Buffalo Mozzarella Cheese Salad.

Orange-flavoured pasta...

For dessert, we had grapes soaked in white wine. Sophisticated!!!

After feasting on Ah Kim's great culinary skills, I headed down to Clarke Quay for dancing with my girls!

It was a very wild night. But what happens on the dancefloor, stays on the dancefloor yeah? :P

And no, I didn't bring a guy home.. All I had was aching barefooted feet dragging an exhausted body to Suting's house at 7am in the morning bcoz we waited a whole night for taxi but still ended up taking the first mrt. Poo!

On the 5th day of new year, I celebrated the "aging" of two friends...


With porridge buffet at Suntec's lobby... Joaquim Buffet Restaurant!

Sengwang is H.U.N.G.R.Y!

Us out in full force! :)

Afterward, some of us went shopping for clothes and it was at a Levi's sale did I lose my camera and didn't realise. Sotong me! Haha.. But the guys managed to locate it in the v crowded shop through some miracle an hr later.

Next stop was another birthday!

As we made our way to the 16th floor, Sengwang loves the view...

While Xueqin fear the height.

Tianhock turns 21~

The lovebirds...

Want to look slim? Pose with Sengwang! :P

In comparison, Xueqin looks so much darker! Haha...

Me the extra in their class photo. :(

While the guys decided where to go aft, the girls camwhored! We ended up going to Funan and Edwin sent me home. Note to self: cars beat public transport anyday! But cars spoil me.

The next day, it was itp meeting with 2009's OCBC interns with Szeying followed by Meng's 21st BBQ... PHOTOS PLEASE!! :D


Whoever said tt "dates" always hv to be male??

Touring SP Open House with Serkee and Jess. Its nice to know tt although we aren't as close as we used to be. We can still talk and aft all tt happened, I hope someday, we wld be able to really put it all behind us coz you girls remain a v impt part of my poly life.

Technically, Darren is a guy. But I love him as much as I love all my jie mei. :P Changi Village chit-chats over good food and sea breeze is both our favourites!

Two very impt girls came back frm Aussie and I absolutely had to meet-up with both of them. So it was Fish & Co with the cousin....

And Ajisen with Xueqin!

We proceeded to the small Bugis alley for dessert!


Where she became a tourist in her own home country!

Her mango sago and my black sesame with almond cream. ^^ We couldn't stay out late because the nxt day, it was EXERCISE DAY!!!

Met her again at Chinese Gardens to go swimming at the big big slide swimming pool at Jurong.

Inserting the ticket!!! :P


Big slides we didn't dare to try... Mayb on chu san?

Dinner at Hong Kong Cafe aft the swim.. Wasn't really great though. :(

But the company was awesome. :) Fyi, XO fried rice is SPICY!

Not nice noodle. *sulk sulk*

Queer anyhow mix drinks...

To make up for a lousy dinner, I brought Ting to the same dessert bar I went with Xueqin for some sweet treats. BO LO BAO!

Girls just can't resist mango. :P

Give her my drink liao, she still face black black. Greedy girl. WAHAHAHAHA!

Ultimately, food is what keeps a girl satisfied. :)

Cheap dim sum at CCK!

I love this girl. :)


The idp fair made the two of us so tired we rested out legs and pigged out to Korean at Far East earlier today.

Fried rice cakes!

Seafood tofu soup!

My love neglecting me... :(

Rushed down to Costa Sands to wish Ceyang a very happy 21st!

The cards we kept playing.

And his egoistic cake!

The Singapore Poly turn-out.. Gosh!

The reason for the fun. :)


Personal note to Loti:

I am not strong and shit happens in a relationship. Your friends will always be here to help you. But you can help yourself by packing your schedule like your a famous pop star. Fill them with happy stuff, happy thoughts. Because the person whom you loved wouldn't wanna see you mope and suffer.

Burying the hurt also prevents this ugly thing frm turning into hate. At the end of the day, you most definitely want to look back and know you were glad tt once upon a time, the passages of your life and his, crossed.


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